Usability, Accessibility, and the Web

Usability, Accessibility, and the Web
Introduction to the main concepts

Volker Sorge

University of Birmingham, UK University of Birmingham Crest

MathJax Consortium MathJax Logo

Progressive Accessiblity Solutions Progressive Access Logo



General Web Usability

Usability of Web Design defined by:

Nielsen's Quality Components

Web Accessibility

What if my user has special needs?

👁 Visual: blindness, low vision, impaired vision, distracted vision

👂 Aural: deaf, hard of hearing, distracted hearing

🖐 Movement: no mouse use, slow reaction time, limited fine motor skills

🧠 Cognition: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Distraction, Memory deficits

We are all not fully able at some point in our life

The web is accessible by default. If it's missing, we broke it ourselves.

Defining Accessibility

Accessibility is a process focusing on people


POUR Principles

WCAG's core principles:

All content must be

for all users.

A selection of WCAG success criteria

1 Perceivable

The big questions: * Can every content be described as text? * Can complex diagrams by perceived by a description alone? * Is math mode text? Always? Sometimes? Where do we draw the line?

A selection of WCAG success criteria

1.3 Adaptable

A selection of WCAG success criteria 1

1.4 Distinguishable

Example (1): Function (Bitmap Image)

Source: Wikipedia

Function graph

The red curve is the graph of a function, because any vertical line has exactly one crossing point with the curve.

Example (2): Function (SVG)

Source: Wikipedia

Function graph

The red curve is the graph of a function, because any vertical line has exactly one crossing point with the curve.

Example (3): Function (Color Reference)

Source: Wikipedia

Function graph

The red curve is the graph of a function, because any vertical line has exactly one crossing point with the curve.

Example (4): Two Functions (Two References)

Source: Wikipedia

Function graph

Graph of two trigonometric functions: sine and cosine. Sine is the red solid curve. Cosine is the blue dashed curve.

A selection of WCAG success criteria 2

2 Operable

A selection of WCAG success criteria 3

3 Understandable

Caveat emptor a failure for all users is sometimes no failure.

WCAG implementation

4 Robust

The Full Web Stack

Distinct technologies addressing separate concerns/purposes.

Separation of Concerns on the Web:

Towards Checking WCAG

Different elements of the stack help to achieve WCAG.

Today we will concentrate mostly on:

Later we will look in more details at SVG and some JavaScript

Good evaluation is important!

Evaluating accessibility (1)

Automated Helpers - the minimum.

We have a look at some free extensions

Usability of Uni Website

Source: xkcd

University website usability as xkcd cartoon

Web Usability in General

Venn Diagram for general web usability


Please download for the next session:

The following are Chrome extensions. They work on all webkit/blink based browsers (i.e., Chrome, Chromium, Brave, Edge, Opera)


Example site

Available from



Accessibility Insights


Summary of Findings

Note that not all tools will find all problems!

Evaluating accessibility (2)

Assistive technologies. A complex landscape of tools and devices. A key category is screenreaders:

Other assistive technologies include zoom, dictation, and voice assistants software or devices.

Additional Material: WebAIM "Testing with Screen Readers, Deque: Intro to Screen Readers (video), Demo: Sina's speed (video), SLCC Demo (video)

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